Bright Space review - Case study
Bright Space case study

Bright Space review - Case study

"We are now entering our third year of working with Paul, improving our product offering and the marketing performance of our sales team."


Over this period we have experienced significant gains in turnover by firstly understanding the client requirements, and then delivering the perfect solution, this has greatly improved the client satisfaction levels and also the average transaction value through an enhanced
product range.


What started as a six month project has continued into its third year as the monthly performance constantly improves and Paul is now a key player in our growth plans.


We can recommend Paul to any company interested in improving the sales and marketing performance of their team."



Bright Space review - Case study

Our Case Studies

Bude Windows & Conservatories - Long Term Sales & Profit Mentoring - Case Study
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Brackenwood Windows - First Ever 5 Session Sales Master Class - Written Review
Bright Space - Written Review

If you are reading this it would suggest you are open to change and have already achieved a good level of success on your journey towards your goals and destiny.

We would love to hear about your business plans. We specialise in helping small to medium size window and conservatory installers get over the many predictable obstacles on the path to growth and profits.


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